as a base, players are allowed to construct general buildings, which can be converted into class specific ones. This will help to reduce visible buttons and categorizing its purpose will help players make connections in function.
- for instance you can create a space called "housing", which can then be converted into a:
1. Barracks (militancy)
2. Sanctuary (Faith)
3. Dormitory (Magic)
4. Hostel (syndication)
Each of the 4 branches reflect class choices, and most classes you can see in other games could consist of these in combination.
1. Militancy room examples include a drill room (training), barracks (housing), Town watch (universal service), and War room (primary room). A militant society (or establishment) would base its values in fighting for territory, raising their children to fight as well, and usually with great pride in nation. The primary room, The War Room, indicates that the society has generals who can manipulate troops better, and can execute advanced maneuvers on the battlefield (due to the militant hierarchy).
2. Faith room examples include Meditation Cell (training), Sanctuary (housing), hospital (universal service), and Temple (primary room). A Faithful society places its values in the hands of a deity or religion. In this fantasy world the religion can actually execute a number of magical outcomes, and demigods can come to your aid if you have enough belief in them. The primary room, Temple, is the location of all contact with the divine, and it is the symbol of the societies faith.
3. Magic room examples include Academy (training), dormitory (housing), Library (universal service), and Focus Chamber (primary room). A magical society places its values in the pursuit of magical understanding to better the quality of life and because it is the social norm. The primary room, focus chamber, is where magic is focused and advanced spells can be performed. For instance opening up a portal, hurling massive fireballs, or evoking storms.
4. Syndication room examples include guilds (training), hostel (housing), Market (universal service), and Conclave (primary room). A syndicate society might have a government, however much of the deeds are done though the shady part of town, and the society as a whole profits at the expense of others. The primary room, conclave, suggests that a group of powerful rich individuals get together to conspire terrible deeds such as sending plagued meats to other towns, assassinations, or forging information.
At this point I have several buildings which fall under each class tree, and what they convert from. I will be working on turning all of my notes into a cohesive document which outlines the maximum potential for this game and what cuts can be made.

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